Real Estate Training Solutions


What are traineeships?   

Traineeships are jobs that combine work and structured training. You have to be employed to undergo a traineeship. They include paid employment under an appropriate industrial arrangement, a Training Contract that is signed by both the employer and trainee and registered with the NSW Department of Education and Community and a recognised qualification, delivered by RETS.

This training is funded by the NSW Government in partnership with the Australian Government.



To the employer:

  • Up-skilling employees for a more productive work place

  • Government incentives

  • Staff are trained whilst working

  • Staff may be eligible to receive their C of R for half price

  • Can promote loyalty in the workplace and more productive staff


To the employee:     

  • Government accredited Certificate recognised throughout Australia

  • Flexible - can study when it suits you and your employer

  • Learn while you work

  • Gaining recognised skills

  • Tutor hotline available for on-going guidance and support



Core Units
BSBFLM303C - Contribute to effective workplace relationships
CPPDSM3006B - Collect and process property information
CPPDSM3007B - Identify risks and opportunities in the property industry
CPPDSM3009A - Maintain workplace safety in the property industry
CPPDSM3010B - Meet customer needs and expectations in the property industry
CPPDSM3011B - Monitor building facilities
CPPDSM3016A - Work in the property industry
Elective Units
CPPDSM3019 - Communicate with clients in the property industry
BSBADM311A - Maintain business records
CPPDSM3014A - Undertake property inspection
CPPDSM3017A - Work in the strata/community management sector


Who is eligible?

  • New employees (less than three months full-time or 12 months part time)
  • 16-64 year olds
  • School leavers or those looking to re-enter the work force
  • Those who haven't completed a Certificate II or higher
  • Australian citizens and permanent residents



The trainee may be eligible to attract government incentives, offsetting the costs of the training - RETS will put you in touch with an Australian Apprenticeship Centre to find out more. There is a one off administration cost of $478 (2013) per training year, per trainee (this $478 administration fee is non-refundable if the trainee withdraws or does not complete the traineeship).


How does it work?

Students can either complete the course via distance education or by flexible delivery. The most appropriate mode will be discussed with the employer, the student (employee) and RETS. Whichever mode is chosen, RETS guides the student through the course with a training plan, visits (dependant on traineeship mode), workbooks, assessments, record sheets, calls and e-mails. The learning will take place on-the-job as the students go about their day to day activities, with guidance from the employer and the other employees. RETS assess the students regularly using competency based assessment -that is they are competent or not yet competent at completing a task. If the student is not-yet-competent they will have the opportunity to be reassessed at a later date.


What next?

If you have an employee who may be interested in traineeships, or if you are interested in finding out more contact RETS . RETS can organise an Australian Apprenticeship Centre to visit your workplace to see if you or your employee is eligible to complete a traineeship and guide you through signing the Training Contract. You still have questions? Please contact us.  

Please do not enrol and pay for this course until you have spoken to our office.

""Thank you for the amazing help from the trainers”."

Jack Jones