Strata Courses
Strata Assistant Agent
AAStrAre you looking for a career in strata? This Assistant Agent - Certificate of Registration course is the entry level strata course and fulfils NSW Fair Trading's qualification requirements to work in the strata sector.
Class 2 Strata NSW
NSWClStrataThis course is recognised by NSW Fair Trading as the qualification requirement for the strata agents licence in NSW.
Assistant Strata Agents Clusters 2023-2024
AAstrataclusters2023These units are recognised by NSW Fair Trading and when completed, all 18 units meet the requirements of the CPP40521 Certificate IV in Strata Community Management qualification and the Strata Agents Licence Class 2, in NSW.
CPP40521 Certificate IV in Strata Community Management traineeship
CertIVStratatraineeTraineeships combine work and training with an employer and structured training with a training provider like RETS. They include paid employment under an appropriate industrial arrangement, a Training Contract that is signed by both the employer and trainee and registered with the NSW Government and a recognised qualification delivered by RETS.
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