Are you a dual licence holder? 24/25 CPD Webinars
CPDZoomdual2425Need your CPD? RETS is running zoom sessions for dual licence holders where one of the licences is a Strata Licence.
Are you a Sales Agent? 24/25 CPD Webinars
CPDZoomSales2425Need your CPD? RETS is running zoom sessions for Sales Agents throughout the year.
Class 2 Residential Real Estate NSW
NSWCl2ResiREThis course is recognised by NSW Fair Trading as the qualification requirement for the Residential Real Estate Class 2 Licence in NSW.
Residential Real Estate Assistant Agent
AAREAre you looking for a career in real estate? This Assistant Agent course is the entry level real estate course and fulfils NSW Fair Trading's qualification requirements. It covers the entry level requirements for residential real estate agents, buyers agents and on site residential property managers.
Are you a Property Manager? 24/25 CPD Webinars
CPDZoomPM2425Need your CPD? RETS is running zoom sessions for Property Managers throughout the year.
Assistant Agent Residential Clusters 2023-2024
AAclusters2023These units can be used to fulfill NSW Fair Trading requirements for the Assistant Agents Certificate and can be used as a pathway to the Class 2 Licence.
Auction Cluster
AuctionClusterDo you have a Class 1 or 2 Licence and want to become an Auctioneer? These units can be used to fulfill NSW Fair Trading requirementsto be an Auctioneer.
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