CPD Webinar
Are you a dual licence holder? 24/25 CPD Webinars
CPDZoomdual2425Need your CPD? RETS is running zoom sessions for dual licence holders where one of the licences is a Strata Licence.
Course Details
Are you a Sales Agent? 24/25 CPD Webinars
CPDZoomSales2425Need your CPD? RETS is running zoom sessions for Sales Agents throughout the year.
Course Details
Are you a Property Manager? 24/25 CPD Webinars
CPDZoomPM2425Need your CPD? RETS is running zoom sessions for Property Managers throughout the year.
Course Details
Are you a Commercial Agent? 24/25 CPD Webinars
CPDZoomComm2425Need your CPD? RETS is running zoom sessions for Commercial Agents throughout the year.
Course Details
Are you a Strata Manager? 24/25 CPD Webinars
CPDZoomStrata2425Need your CPD? RETS is running zoom sessions for Strata Managers throughout the year.
Course Details
Are you an Onsite Residential Property Manager? 24/25 CPD Webinars
CPDZoomOSRPM2425Need your CPD? RETS is running zoom sessions for Onsite Residential Property Managers throughout the year.
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