Real Estate Training Solutions

Incorporating study/family life with study


Many of RETS students choose e-learning because it is a flexible option for them, and easier than finding the time to attend face-to-face training. Completing studies by e-learning does require some discipline, but on the upside, there is no time lost travelling or sitting in a class room. 

The combination of working, study and a social/family life is a balancing act that can be challenging. Even if studying doesn’t come naturally to you, with a little planning and self-discipline, you can manage to do your best in your chosen course. Here are a couple of tips for you. 

Plan for what's expected and unexpected. Develop a schedule of what you need to fit into each day. Try to predict the unexpected things you might need to fit in as well. A schedule will help you understand how much study you will need to do each day/week to keep on track with your coursework and reach your goal of completing the course.

A good philosophy to live by during your studies is “it’s much easier to keep up than to catch up". Work out your top priorities for work, home and study and how long you have. Divide up your tasks so you can avoid a last-minute rush.

Not everyone understands the demands of study and work. Let your manager, friends and family know about your training schedule. Ask for help when you need it. Most people are happy to support you if they can see why your course is important to you. 

Create a realistic and flexible schedule. Build a routine you can stick to, but also remember you can adjust this schedule if you have unexpected errands and/or sudden work or family pressures. Plan for enough study time so if something comes up, you can shift your study to another time slot.


September 6, 2021