What does a week in PM look like?
Property managers are amongst the busiest staff in a real estate agency. Here is what they fit into their week.
Many professional property managers plan their diary/To Do List the evening before, whilst they are still in the office. Each day will generally start with checking phone messages and emails for any issues that need urgent responses, such as urgent repairs and maintenance issues that have come in overnight. These will be answered early in the day so that they can embark on their day knowing the most important tasks have been completed or at least entered into their To Do List. Property managers will then often re-visit these phone messages or emails around the middle of the day and again before they leave for the day.
They will do their scheduled periodic inspections next- whilst they are still in their most energetic part of the day. These are the inspections they carry out throughout a tenancy. Some property managers advise their tenants and landlords of their regular schedules, for example that on Tuesdays and Thursday morning (or afternoon if they are more productive then) they will be unavailable whilst carrying out those inspections and writing up reports for the clients. This encourages clients to know the best time to get in contact with them.
Afternoons may be set aside for chasing up any outstanding rents and checking on any maintenance jobs that are waiting to be completed. These are always super important daily duties for the property manager.
Property managers also need to squeeze some time in for planning, to ensure that they are able to grow the number of properties they manage. They may set aside one afternoon for a regular prospecting session to ensure new business continues to come in.
Ingoing condition report and outgoing bond inspections also need to be prioritised. These are completed immediately before a tenant moves in and then immediately after they vacate.
Fridays and Saturdays are often busy with lease sign up appointments, ensuring rent in advance and rental bond are paid by the new incoming tenant. Saturdays are also busy showing properties in order to locate a new tenant.
These are just some of the main activities in a property manager’s week.
Does Property Management sound like the career for you? Click here to find out how to become a Property Manager.
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